Giving best services and experiences to Client


A partner to care your service

PT. Service Mandiri Indonesia,

       As professional consultant service, company is focusing on service operational and observation both conventional and digital approach, well known as "Service in Mind". The company is built by the expertises with working experiencing more than 20 years on service area. Bringing practical matter and conceptual with reference to international standard service certification. With the the slogan “Sharing and Caring”, it makes company positioning to give assistance and consultation to individu, organization and corporation in service area.

We believe,

       Every human will need services, as long people interaction is there. It just changes its shapes, following new trend, new mind, new era. And it is tranforming. We passionate to be part of the story,  engaging to our clients and partners to deliver best services for customers. Creating new journey of customer interactions to provide standard services and better customer experience. Yes, we eager to be your partner, to care your services.  

Our core services

Customer Operations Consulting

Face to Face - Voice - Social media interactions

Digital customer operations

Service and Customer Journey

People Development and Training

Customer Operations competency

Custom training as Client request

Operational Supports

Mystery shopper 

Knowledge Management

Business Process Documentation

Customer interaction quality-audit


Siapa kami.......

Who we are.....

PT. Service Mandiri Indonesia, 

        Konsultan profesional di bidang pelayanan pelanggan, fokus pada implementasi dan observasi terhadap bidang pelayanan baik yang bersifat non-digital maupun digital. Berdiri dengan dukungan ekspertis yang berpengalaman sebagai praktisi dan konseptual dengan lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman kerja dan mengacu kepada sertifikasi dan standar pelayanan pelanggan. Bersandar kaidah “Sharing and Caring”,  menempatkan PT. Service Mandiri Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai "Service In Mind" sebagai pemberi asistensi yang dibutuhkan oleh individu, organisasi, komunitas, institusi dan perusahaan yang ingin membangun atau meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan pelanggan masa kini.

PT. Service Mandiri Indonesia,

       As professional consultant service, company is focusing on service implementation and observation both conventional and digital approach, well known as "Service In Mind". The company is built by the expertises with working experiencing more than 20 years on service area. Bringing practical and conceptual with reference to international standard service certification. With the motto of “Sharing and Caring”, it makes company positioning to give assistance and consultation to individu, organization and corporation in service operations area.


Well known partner of personnel, organization and corporation by giving more strategic and operational value to customers

Giving assistance, knowledge and care to personnel, organization also corporation to meet service standard to engage with customers
  • Nara sumber yang berpengalaman dan sebagai praktisi langsung di area service dan customer operations
  • Berpengalaman menangani ekosistem service dan customer engagement
  • Berpengalaman dalam aktivitas transformasi digital di area Service
  • Mengacu kepada frame work, standard internasional dan best practice
  • Terdapat program general coaching atau spesifik area Service
Why Service in Mind
  • Direct/hands-on experience on service and customer operations area
  • Experience on various service operations & customer engagement-Ecosystem (Operation, Technology, Process, and Supports)
  • Experience in involving digital transformation of Service area
  • Refer to International frameworkstandard operational service and best practice
  • Specific and general coaching program with expertise


Layanan konsultansi *

Kami, “Service In Mind” memberikan assistensi kepada individu, organisasi, institusi, komunitas dan korporasi untuk membangun pusat pelayanan pelanggan atau peningkatan performa pelayanan pelanggan dengan mempertimbangkan tujuan organisasi serta standard layanan yang diharapkan, menjadikan “Service In Mind” sebagai partner yang membantu :

1. Service center operational set-up

Face to face masih menjadi kebutuhan pelanggan untuk mendapatkan layanan terhadap suatu produk atau jasa. Translasi on-line to off-line atau sebaliknya yang melibatkan face to face masih dibutuhkan. Pelanggan juga akan memanfaatkan layanan ini untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang bersifat lebih kompleks dan rumit. Sehingga diperlukan persiapan dan set-up yang baik sebelum operasional dijalankan, agar tujuan dari fungsi face to face bisa tercapai sesuai standar yang diharapkan.

2. Service center operational check-up dan rekomendasi

Dalam fase operational terkadang terdapat permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi terhadap proses layanan, berdampak kepada ketidaknyamanan pelanggan. Sebagai pemberi layanan, maka diperlukan siklus improvement yang terus menerus dilakukan agar layanan yang diberikan akan selalu menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. Pengukuran terhadap indikator kunci standar pelayanan perlu dilakukan sebagai potret kinerja agar bisa dianalisa dan dirumuskan rencana perbaikan ke depannya.

 3. Digital social media engagement Set-up

Trend saat ini, dimana media sosial dan kanal interaksi digital, menjadi salah satu touch point organisasi dalam melayani pelanggan. Tidak hanya melayani, namun juga menjadi sarana agar organisasi bisa engage dengan pelanggan. Meraih sentimen positif terhadap produk dan jasa, yang tujuan akhirnya kepada WOM (worth of mouth). Set-up yang baik sesuai market yang dituju dan target share of voice dari suatu layanan akan menjadi kunci kesuksesan pelayanan yang dilakukan melalui social dan digital media.

 4. Digital social media engagement Improvement

Handling pelanggan melalui media sosial dan kanal interaksi digital yang kurang tepat, terstruktur dan tidak disiapkan dengan baik kerap memicu permasalahan ketika fase operasional. Diperlukan review terhadap kinerja operasional yang sedang berjalan dengan melihat parameter kunci bagaimana menangani pelanggan melalui digital dan social media. Hasil review akan menjadi suatu rencana kerja yang terukur untuk memperbaiki kinerja layanan.

 5. Voice contact center set-up

Persiapan pengadaan voice contact center yang baik akan menjadi kunci sukses dari system layanan yang ada di organisasi. Dengan melihat segenap aspek dan komponen yang disesuaikan dengan tujuan organisasi dan kenyamanan pelanggan akan memberikan kontribusi positif organisasi. Kanal ini masih dipergunakan oleh beberapa segmen pelanggan, oleh karenanya harus disiapkan dengan baik.

 6. Voice contact center check-up

Kinerja yang kurang baik akan membuat suatu operasional voice contact center menjadi tidak optimum. Pelanggan yang tidak puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan, atau petugas yang frustasi dalam pekerjaannya akan membuat organisasi tidak bisa mengembangkan bisnis dikarena faktor pemberian layanan yang kurang baik.

Diperlukan suatu review terhadap faktor dan komponen voice contact center itu sendiri,  dimana hasil review akan menjadi rencana tindakan perbaikan kinerja yang berujung kepada kepuasan pelanggan atau meningkatnya good customer experience..

7.  Knowledge Management

Perkembangan Teknologi Knowledge Management tidak hanya digunakan sebagai infobase saja, namun berkembang dengan fungsinya sebagai pusat informasi terpadu dari semua entitas dalam ekosistem customer operations, baik interaksi digital maupun trandisional. Diperlukan persiapan, perencanaan dan konsep Knowledge Management yang baik untuk mendukung proses pelayanan pelanggan.

8.   Learning program untuk Front liners

Setting program pembelajaran bagi petugas front liner pelayanan pelanggan juga diperlukan yang bertujuan untuk membekali dengan pengetahuan dan skill yang mencukupi untuk meraih kompetensi tertentu. Selain program pembelajaran yang berguna sebagai Program People Development bila organisasi sudah menyusun rencana perjalanan karir dari personil yang ada di dalamnya. 

9.   Coaching program

Setelah mendapatkan pembekalan dan learning program, diperlukan proses mentoring bagi team pelayanan pelanggan untuk dapat secara optimal menggunakan potensi diri, knowledge dan skill yang dimiliki agar dapat secara optimal diimplementasikan dalam tugas dan pekerjaannya. "Service in Mind" team dapat membantu bersama sama menemukan cara terbaik untuk mendorong pola pikir dan menguatkan mental agar dapat secara nyata menangani pelanggan dengan knowledge dan skill terbaik yang dimiliki.

10.   Standard Business process documentation

Berkembangnya suatu organisasi maka akan berkembang pula proses bisnis di dalamnya. Kendala bagi organisasi salah satunya proses  implementasi yang tidak standar dan berdasarkan kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh personil yang menjalankan fungsi dalam organisasi tersebut. Yang pada akhirnya cara penanganan menjadi  berbeda antara satu personil dengan personil lainnya. Diperlukan suatu proses baku yang terkonsolidasi, terstruktur, bertautan dan tersosialisasi dengan baik sehingga akan menjadi dokumen referensi personil yang menjalankan proses tersebut,

“Service in Mind” akan membantu mendokumentasikan proses bisnis yang akan dijalankan sesuai standar yang diinginkan organisasi.

11.   Mystery shopper

Fungsi control terhadap layanan, termasuk bagaimana menempatkan diri kita sebagai pelanggan penting untuk dilakukan. Agar bisa memotret kinerja dari layanan itu sendiri melalui program mystery shopper. Target dari kegiatan ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran real dari proses layanan yang dijalankan yang berujung kepada feedback yang perlu ditindak lanjuti agar proses layanan menjadi semakin lebih baik.

12.   Forecasting – Staffing and Scheduling (Work Force Management) 

Work Force Management proses yang baik akan meningkatkan optimisasi dari suatu proses layanan, terutama di area pelayanan pelanggan. Forecasting tidak akurat, staffing yang kurang dan penjadwalan yang buruk akan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja dari proses layanan yang dijalankan. Agent yang “burn-out” karena bertubi-tubinya interaksi yang masuk sehingga kelelahan, Pelanggan yang kecewa karena sulit menghubungi pelayanan pelanggan sehingga organisasi  kehilangan potensi interaksi dengan pelanggan merupakan dampak buruknya perencanaan dari Forecasting – Staffing dan Scheduling.

"Service in Mind" akan membantu organisasi agar dapat menuangkan FSS secara fundamental yang juga akan sangat membantu logika berpikir apabila organisasi berencana menjalankan proses automatisasi FSS melakui aplikasi.

* scope of work will be customized base-on requirement

We assist *

We, “Service in Mind” will give assistance to individual, organization and corporation to set-up, run and plan on how to improve service performance, aligning with organization focus area and standard level as expected. These assistances will put “Service In Mind” as partner

1. Service center operational set-up

Face to face interaction still becomes customer demand to get organization services. Deflection on-line to off-line transaction (vice versa) will persist face-to-face interaction to be still exist. Sometimes human face-to-face interaction will take lead to solve more complex problem rather than self-care can do. Organisation needs to prepare this channel of interaction well to gain standard service expected.

 2. Service center operational check-up and recommendation

Service operation phase is something challenging. Service provider or organisation sometimes faces problems on the process which impact to service interruption. We, as service provider, needs to step-back and review of what is happened during operational time and formulize improvement action-plan. Continues measurement on key indicator and standard metrics will become portraits to see service operation performance and finally rolling-out how improvement items will take place..

3. Digital social media engagement Set-up

Social media and digital channels becomes trend for a couple of year now. That makes organisation's awareness on how important social media as a channel to serve and listen the customer voice. It is not only to serve, but also to engage, to gain positive sentiment and WOM (worth of mouth). Good preparation will be the key during set-up, defining target market and share of voice. This activities will be one of success key of organization to gain customer’s traction via digital channels.

4. Digital social media engagement Improvement

Bad customer handling on social media and digital interactions will trigger problems that need to be handled with care. Organisation needs to review and identify problems in service operation of social media and digital interactions. Continues review to some keys of parameters and action plan needs to be done, targeting better service operation performance.

5. Voice contact center set-up

Even though voice contact centre on some service area shows decline, but this channels will be still needed by customer. As real time interaction, voice contact centre is expected to give fast response and suitable resolution for some segment of customers. Organisation needs to prepare and set-up voice contact centre with comprehensive consideration and align with organization focus. Customer satisfaction and optimum cost will become main consideration on how voice contact centre existence. To give positive contribution for organisation and customer convenient

6. Voice contact center check-up

Bad performance on voice contact centre operational will create bad impact to organisation. Customer dissatisfaction and employee frustration will be the potential impacted area that lead to bad customer perception. This condition needs to be recovered on-time manner, avoiding bigger problem.

Contact centre metrics needs to be rechecked and reviewed periodically to findserial improvement plan for better services.

7.   Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management will be important entity in customer operations ecosystem. This will become the center point of information. That should be able to be consumed by all entities, included human assisted and machine-automation. Organisation should prepare it for the next digital customer operations. And it's the time to start !

8.   Learning program for Front liners

Organisation, with people development focus, will consider to have set of learning curriculum for their staff. Service operation will also need this program  to gain standard skill and knowledge to support customer’s handling. This learning curriculum needs to be defined align with organisation expectation, competency needs and front liners career path.

9.   Coaching program

After getting learning program to enrich knowledge, organisation needs to have plan how to sustain learning result as real actions. One of the methods is called mentoring program. This coaching programs will monitor on how learning program will be effectively implemented on daily jobs.


“Service in Mind” team will assist to do best practice to solve problem, strengthen mind set along attitude, and  implement the result to serve customer with the best knowledge and skill.

10.   Standard Business process documentation

Some of organisation challenge is how to make efficient, efficacy and effective standard process that can be references. Sometimes people does their jobs by habit and create un-standard process, impacts to un-uniformity of services and potentially impacts to customer experience and convenient. 

This pain points can be avoided by having standard business process documentation that will have proper structured, aligned, and well documented. We will assist to create standard business process documentation by using customer operations approach.

11.   Mystery shopper

Check and control to service area is important, by put our self to customer perspective. and shoes. Doing mystery shopper will capture service performance as portrait by customer point view. This mystery shopper program is targeted to get real picture of service implemented by organization and do necessary action plan for improvement.

12.   Work Force Management (Forecasting – Staffing and Scheduling)

What’s is Forecasting – Staffing and Scheduling (FSS) roles in service organization? Yes, by having good FSS, will create optimum service process. In-accurate FSS can impact to customer's frustation, employee burn-out because of too many incoming interactions coming-up and create queue. Customers are up-set due none of the calls can get through the centre with several attempts.


“Service in Mind” will assist to give technique and fundamental of Forecast, Staffing and Scheduling. This will useful if organisation will pursue automated application for Work Force Management.

* scope of work will be customized base-on requirement

Lead consultant

Eko Wiyanto

Berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang pelayanan, dengan back ground pendidikan IT dan Marketing. Eko berpengalaman di beberapa fungsi layanan seperti : Contact Center Operation (conventional-digital-social media, complaint handling dan fulfilment service) termasuk Infrastructure-technology, Workforce Management, Customer channels operation process, Knowledge Centre and Learning-development.


Mengantarkan dirinya untuk mempunyai view lengkap mengenai ekosistem yang ada pada bidang layanan, baik yang bersifat strategi maupun working level operasional.


Berpengalaman dalam aktivitas transformasi ke layanan digital dengan beberapa project yang diikutinya seperti OMNI Channels, Chatbots, e-Commerce dan Vending Machine selama karir profesionalnya.  Termasuk memberikan asistensi ke salah satu kementerian di Indonesia dan institusi swasta dalam meningkatkan contact center dan area pelayanan pelanggan.

Mempelajari dan lulus sertifikasi layanan COPC-Registered Coordinator dan CIAC-CC Contact Centre Operation Management yang merupakan platform terbaik di bidang pelayanan. Kesemuanya diraih pada tahun 2008 di Singapura untuk COPC dan Jakarta untuk CIAC-CCOM, digunakan pada awalnya mendukung karir dan pekerjaannya di bidang pelayanan pelanggan sebelum akhirnya mendedikasikan dirinya sebagai konsultan pelayanan pelanggan.


Selain hal tersebut, dirinya juga pernah ikut serta di ajang kompetisi Contact Center Internasional dengan meraih Medali Perunggu/Bronze untuk kategori Contact Center Design yang diselenggarakan Contact Center World  pada tahun 2012 di di Singapura. Membuat lengkap pengalamannya di bidang layanan.


Keinginannya yang kuat dan membangun mimpi sebagai salah satu sumber informasi mengenai bidang layanan,  menggugah dirinya untuk membangun layanan konsultan yang dikenal dengan "Service in Mind" yang bertujuan dan fokus berkontribusi di bidang pelayanan, juga membantu individu, organisasi maupun korporasi yang akan/sedang membangun pusat layanan ataupun program untuk meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan.

Has more than 20 years on Service area with IT-Base and Marketing management education background. Eko has been part of various team within Customer engagement area as Contact Centre operation fields (conventional-digital-social media-complaint handling-fulfilment services),  Infrastructure-technology, Workforce Management, Customer channels operation process, Knowledge centre and Learning-development. Make him to have view on how service operation ecosystem works both strategy and operational.


He also has experience with digital customer’s journey transformation. Tight involvement on some various digital project such as OMNI Channels, Chatbots, e-Commerce and Vending Machine during his professional service. Also assisting to one of Ministry Office in Indonesia ,private company  and community during his career as consultant. 

As one of COPC-Registered Coordinator and CIAC-CC Contact Centre Operation Management holder. He passed and obtained certification of Customer Operation Performance Center held in Singapore.  Also Call Center Industry Advisory Council (CIAC)-Operation Management held in Jakarta, Indonesia. All of the studies finished on 2008. Those service operational international standard and great frame work, make support his professional career on Service and Customer Operations.


In regard of his working experience and cerfication, He also followed Contact Center World, international competition held in Singapore and got Bronze Medal for Category Contact Center Design on 2012.


His eagerness and passionate to share his skill and experience is making him to set-up consultant office as known as “Service in Mind”. As one of his dream focusing to contribute and assisting people on Service and Customer Operations area. 


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